Monday, April 9, 2012


I'm so excited I'm going to pee my pants.

I just ordered a DNA test thingy to "discover my genetic ancestry." You know-- those services that test your DNA, compare it to world populations, and tell you where most of your genetic matches are from.

I've been wanting to do this for years. Literally years. See, I tend not to frivolously spend money on myself. It's just not my style. There are a million more useful things that I could spend that $200+ on... but I've wanted it for so long. About 6 months ago I decided that I would in fact order a kit and pay for the analysis. I decided I would do it and Husband even encouraged me, but I never actually made the order. And then somehow waiting to do it became as much fun as actually doing it. You know what I mean? Delaying the satisfaction of actually ordering the testing kit became a reward in and of itself.

Well, I got past that. I just ordered my DNA ancestry kit.


I'm so excited!


  1. Are you doing the one that's part of the Nat Geo project to map human populations? I read about that a few years ago and thought it was a cool undertaking.

  2. no, i didnt know about that one. sounds cool, though! there are 7 or 8 of these places that do the DNA testing... they should pool all of their results.
