Saturday, June 16, 2012


Our family has joined a CSA (click here for a link). Do you know about this sort of thing? CSA stands for "community supported agriculture" and basically it's one way to buy fresh fruits and vegetables and herbs from a local farm. You pay a certain amount of money at the beginning of each season in which you want to participate, and then every week (or every other week, depending on what you pay) you get a bag of fresh produce from the farm's crop. It's a little bit of a risk, because if something happens and the farm isn't very productive you simply get less produce for your money. But if the farm does well, then you get more.

This is the extent of my inclination to gamble, by the way. I don't play the lottery or fantasize about hitting it big in Vegas. A few extra tomatoes in my produce bag, though? I'll take that risk.

Tonight I used some of the pretty little purple onions from this week's CSA haul in our fajita dinner. I don't know if it's just a different kind of onion than I'm used to, but the onions seemed so delicate and easy to cut through. They smelled really good, too. Yay for local, organic veggies!

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