Friday, June 22, 2012

Totally Bananas

Clark ate his first not-mashed-up banana today. Just chomped it out of the peel like any normal person. Sort of like any normal person.

I was grocery shopping and Clark reached behind his seat in the cart and grabbed the bunch of bananas I had just put there. Okay, fine. But after a few minutes he had split the peel open on one of the bananas, so I took the whole bunch away from him to avoid a mess.

Clark started scream-crying. Like, seriously for real losing his shit. Tears pouring down his face, strangers staring at me like I must have just punched him in the nose or something, scream-crying. So I hurried to a register and had the cashier weigh the bananas ASAP, and as soon as she rung them up I gave Clark his banana back.

He went into a FEEDING FRENZY. The cashier was watching and laughing and then the cashier next to us noticed and started watching and laughing, too. He was just biting and biting and breathing all fast... I was on stand-by ready to perform the baby Heimlich. I still have no idea how he managed to avoid choking. He was inhaling that banana.

Then when the banana was gone, not another tear. He sighed contentedly and that was that. My boy wanted a BANANA. Pronto!

Now I know to keep the bananas out of arm's reach next time.

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