Monday, December 19, 2011

Evening Roundup

Notes from today:

1. I took Georgia and Henry to get their second flu shots today (because little kiddos have to get two in one season the first time they get immunized) and I also had Clark with me. There was another little baby in the waiting room with us and she looked so tiny and cute. I asked her father how old she is... "Five months." Clark was way bigger than she was. Way bigger.

2. Elise did fine in her toddler bed today at nap time. I kind of figured she would. She always did well when she was sleeping in Henry's toddler bed while he and Georgia were at school during the week. It's on the weekends when Georgia is home during the day time and the girls are in their room together that everything goes haywire. It's so strange because we don't have any problems with the girls at nighttime, but they never want to take naps during the day when they're in a room together. They have a little baby party. You can hear them on the other side of the house, laughing at each other and singing songs.

We have a gate up across our hall so no babies can wander into the living room or kitchen. When Henry wakes up he either stays in bed and cries or he comes into our room. Elise hasn't gotten up during the night since she's had her bed, but I have a feeling she'll stay in bed and cry for us. If not, she certainly knows where our bedroom is. Our bathroom door is childproofed, so the kids can't get into the bathroom on their own. The worst thing that can happen is that they get up and play with their toys. But none of the kids have the faintest idea of how to be quiet yet, so even that will wake the adults up.

Our foster son Bo lived with us while he was 3 years old. He would wake up in the mornings before us sometimes. He usually didn't wake us-- he would just turn his light on and play with his toys. I think Bo felt like he was doing something sneaky. Of course, you can't dump a bucket of legos onto the floor with out making a huge racket. Husband and I would hear him and just lay in bed for a little while longer and let him play and not know that we were listening to him move around. It was nice to not have to jump out of bed just because he was awake.

3. This evening Husband and I both got stuck in the hallway while the kids were playing in Henry's room. Clark puked down my back and Husband was helping me. Then we hear Henry scream. So we hurry into the room and Elise has a death grip on Henry's leg for some reason. She looks up and says, "Elisey do bad." I hate it when she's cute while she's misbehaving.

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