Sunday, December 18, 2011

Screw Naptime

Elise and Georgia didn't sleep one wink today during nap time. The toddler bed has thrown Elise for a loop; she could not hold still. Georgia was in her crib on the other side of the room, egging Elise on. Nap time was a disaster.

Somehow, Elise did okay during the rest of her sleep-deficient day. She didn't get all cranky or emotional or mean like I thought she would. Georgia got kind of fussy, but I also had to do her hair tonight and that puts her on edge in even the best of circumstances.

I can't wait until Elise gets used to her new bed.

At least the girls will sleep well tonight. (I hope.)


  1. Suggestion: Mikey went through this phase of "I'M FREEEEEEEEEEE!" as well with his toddler bed. He would escape out of his bed, out the room, play in his room, try and climb into his old crib, whatever he could do to not lay in the bed. I literally sat like a hawk at his door for a week spying on him with a hand mirror and would snap "Lay down." as soon as he'd start to get up. He finally got the gist of it. If you don't already close the door entirely during nap time so Elise can't escape the room, I suggest that paired with a video monitor so you can see when she up out of bed.

    Just suggestions. Elise is a smart gal and I'm 100% certain she'll get the hang of it by, like, tomorrow.

  2. This is why my friend waited until her daughter was 3 1/2 to put her in a toddler bed. I think we'll wait until Andy is ready for night time potty training to put him in a toddler bed. He has no interest in climbing out, so we're not worried about him scaling the crib and bonking his head. In contrast to Elise, my friend's kiddo didn't realize he could get out of his bed by himself, so for awhile he would wake up and still call for his parents to come get him. Haha! That would be awesome!
