Friday, December 2, 2011

Poop Explosions & What Elise Says

Over the past few days Clark has had some major shits-up-the-back.

There's never a good time for these things, right? But his timing is truly impeccable. Just as Henry and Georgia's guardian ad litem knocks on our front door for a home visit. As I'm rushing to leave the house to make it on time to an appointment. Clark seems to sense my stress and have some sort of poopy sympathetic reaction.

In other news...

Elise says lots of cute, silly things now. She has this way of talking sometimes-- it's sort of stream of consciousness. I love it. One day when the sun was in her eyes: "Sun. Eyes. Boo boo eyes. Eyes broken. Sun broken eyes. Eyes. Eye brows? Sun broken eye brows? Nope. Boo boo eyes sun..."

Today she looked out the car window and saw the moon in the sky. You know how sometimes you can see the moon in the middle of the day. She always looks for it. But anyway, she saw the moon and said, "Momma, I bite the moon?" Maybe some day, sweet Elise. You can do anything you set your mind to do.

1 comment:

  1. Andy does that same running commentary thing. It's hilarious how he moves from topic to topic. He keeps associating something new and telling us more about it. Andy's sentences tend to be about things like dinosaurs or telling us which things belong to who.

    On vacation he was obsessed with taking his dinosaurs on the hotel elevator. "Dinosaurs. Brachios (brachiosaurus) T Rex elevator. Dinosaurs downstairs elevator. Jon and Clarisse house. Dinosaurs Jon's house. All right, dinosaurs, uncle Jon! Outside. Go outside. Black car outside. Ready go. Jon's house dinosaurs!"
