Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Another Update

I've been doing some small writing projects to earn a little bit of extra money, so I haven't had much time to blog lately. Here are a few things, off the top of my head, that have been going on as of late:

* Clark has his bottom left molar now and the right one is still trying to poke through. These bottom molars are giving him trouble. His first big teething problem, requiring middle-of-the-night Tylenol and extreme patience from Mommy and Daddy. Hopefully we'll see that right-side molar soon.

* In typical Georgia-fashion, she was late to perform, but now that she's committed to it, she is killing it at potty-training. She's always been slow to do things-- she was late walking, talking, using her cup with no lid-- but then when she decides to do it, she goes all out and suddenly just DOES it. The other day she said, "Mommy, I don't want to pee in my diaper anymore. Now I wear undies and pee-pee on the potty." And that was it.

She's not quite ready for no diaper in public yet. I'm just not confident in her new-found ability to control her bladder. But we're rapidly moving in that direction. Awesome!

* Still waiting to hear back from the house seller's bank to see if our offer was approved. It's been over 6 weeks. Just waiting. Not so patiently. Hoping we'll get to move soon.

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