Sunday, February 3, 2013

What's Going On Lately

Been busy. Here's a list of a few things that have been going on with the kids lately:

* Clark's bottom molars are coming in. They've been giving him some trouble at night. Poor fussy baby. Poor tired Mommy.

* We're still working on potty training with Georgia. She's slowly, slowly, slowly getting it. Yesterday and today she peed in her underwear three times each day. Three times! The only way we can get her to even make any effort to use the potty is to put undies on her, though. If she has a diaper (or pull-up) on, she doesn't even try, she just uses the diaper.

Georgia did pee on the potty once yesterday, and then today she peed about 3 times and even pooped twice. So we're making progress. It's just annoying to mop pee off of the floor every few hours, when she doesn't make it to the potty.

* Henry hasn't had a single nighttime peeing accident since we took the pull-ups off at night. Woo hoo! (I probably just jinxed myself...)

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