Wednesday, February 13, 2013

BAM! Georgia is Potty Trained!

Like Elise and Henry, lately Georgia as been sleeping in just undies and no diaper. The first night we simply forgot to put a diaper on her, but she woke up dry and used the potty like a big girl. Husband and I figured it was a fluke, but we decided to test that theory and let Georgia sleep in just undies a second night. Still dry. A third night. Still dry.

So there you have it, folks. Three kids fully potty trained.

Do you have any idea how much money that saves us every month? I'm rich!!!


  1. YAY! Good work, big kids!

    Stay vigilant with the bed. Andy had no nap or bed time accidents for 2 months, then he peed the bed during nap time the other day, even though he had used the potty before getting in bed. We'll be investing in a mattress protector for the twin bed he's getting for his birthday.

  2. Yes, good idea. Elise and Henry have mattress protectors on their beds. Georgia is still in a toddler bed, so her crib mattress doesn't need extra protection.
