Saturday, February 16, 2013

Movies for Our Toddlers

We've been watching movies with the kids lately. They don't quite have the stamina yet to sit through an entire movie, but if we break the movies into two sessions, they do all right.

The girls super love The Lorax. We've watched it twice recently. Georgia especially enjoys it and talks about it a lot. We've also watched Brave, Wall-E, and some movies featuring Tinkerbell. I can live without the Tinkerbell movies, but Husband and I have liked watching the other movies with the kiddos. It's fun to have "family movie time."

We've had a lot of failed movie attempts, too. Happy Feet didn't quite hold their attention. Older Disney movies like Dumbo and The Aristocats are too mature for them, with lots of talking and long places without enough action. It's pretty hit or miss, and we start every movie with the awareness that the kids might not be into it.

Elise is obsessed with Alice in Wonderland. She loves it as much as Georgia loves The Lorax. Maybe we'll watch Alice in Wonderland as a family for our next movie night. Oooh! Or the live-action one... do you remember that version? I think that Gene Wilder and Whoopi Goldberg are in it. Yes. That might be fun. Or a total bust. No telling with these kids.

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