Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Being Busy, Staying Healthy

So busy, busy, busy. I'm still doing at-home writing assignments to earn some extra money (I think I mentioned that before), so most of my "free" time is spent working on those projects. I'm earning a couple of hundred extra dollars a month, so it's worth the effort. Kids are expensive, yo. Especially four of them. What sucks about the writing assignments is that I have even less down time for myself now.

Also, I've been working out at home most nights lately, which takes me about 30 minutes at this point. It's not much, I know, but it's better than nothing, right? My workouts are also cutting into the time I used to have to relax and zone out. I'd rather be working out than just sitting around, I guess, but I still haven't gotten over that horrible hump that I always face when I first start exercising again and reached the point where it no longer feels like a giant hassle and just feels like a regular part of my routine. I'll get there. Soon, I hope.

I've been on a bit of a health kick lately. I've made lots of changes to our diet at home and I'm still working out ways to improve our food choices. More on that later. I have some kind of weird purple potato roasting in my oven right now that I have to attend to...

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