Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Nom Nom Nom

Clark wants to eat solid food so badly. He often sits in my lap during meals and he tries so hard to grab my food and shove it right in his mouth. Sometimes he even cries that he's not getting any.

Elise started solid food about a week before she turned 6 months old. I think I'll let Clark try solid food just a little bit before he turns 6 months old, too. I'll probably start him on avacado, like I did Elise. That worked well for us.


  1. We actually just left the doctor's office for Danny's four month where we were told to start him on solids NOW since he's so skinny. Skinny is a relative term, however. He stopped growing out and grew up instead. He's 27 inches tall, 97th percentile in height but only 14.11lbs which is around 30th percentile. Apparently, that ratio raised some eyebrows. I too shall try avocado in the hopes of keeping Protective Services away.

  2. My sister's 1 yr old is in the 50th percentile for height but about the 5th percentile for weight. Some kids are just skinny, I guess.

    Clark was 26.75 inches at his 4 month check up... but he weighed 18 lbs. Clark is catching up to Elise really fast. It's kind of crazy.

  3. At 4 months, our son weighed less than 14 lbs and the advice was breastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed and please don't start solids because most solid foods have way fewer calories than milk. And sure enough, at 6 months he started solids and his weight dropped even lower on the curve. Now he's 23 months and 22 lbs and healthy as can be.
