Friday, December 10, 2010

Another Foster Brother

Looks like we'll be getting Georgia's brother placed in our home very soon. He's about a year and a half old. Three babies under two years old! Yowza!

Brother is in the hospital right now. Suspicious injuries, which the doctors believe are due to trauma. Georgia was removed from her parents' care because of her brother's injuries, even though they don't think anything bad has happened to her.

When I was so busy the other day, one of the things I had to do was take Georgia to get x-rays of her whole body to make sure that she didn't have any broken bones. She was fine.

Husband and the babies and I have been visiting Brother in the hospital. He's doing well, he's just very quiet and depressed looking. Scared of men. And once he decides to like you, he's very clingy. Poor little guy. I can't even imagine what he's been through.

All of the nurses at the hospital adore Brother. In fact, during our first visit, nurses from different areas of the pediatric wing of the hospital who had spent time with Brother went out of their way to come and meet our family and tell us how grateful they felt that we would be taking care of him. It was very nice.

Brother should be released from the hospital soon, and then we can bring him home. I'll let you know when that happens.

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