Monday, December 27, 2010

Disappearing Act

I thought tonight that I had lost my wedding and engagement rings. I cried. I wouldn't have expected that to be my reaction, but there you have it. I cried.

I called my parents because we stayed at their house recently, and they started looking for the rings. My dad called back after a while and suggested that I look at pictures that we took over the holiday to see when the rings stopped appearing on my hand.

Here's the thing. I don't take my rings of that often. I'm not one of those take-my-rings-off-and-play-with-them people and I don't remove them to do dishes. There are a very limited number of circumstances that lead me to take my rings off. The most common one is to put lotion on the babies. So I felt pretty confident that was the reason WHY my rings were missing... but WHEN did they go missing?

In fact, I noticed that they were missing when I went to put lotion on Henry after his bath this evening. I reached to take my rings off and they weren't there. I was in shock. Then I cried.

Anyhow, Husband looked back at the pictures from yesterday and today and told me that I had the rings on at Sister's baby shower on Sunday but they weren't in the pictures from this afternoon. I decided to check my pants from yesterday and there they were. In the pocket of my jeans. Thank god. How I went from yesterday evening to this evening without noticing that I didn't have my rings on is a mystery.

No it's not. I'm tending to 3 kids under 2 years old. It's a miracle that I haven't left the house without a shirt on yet.

I'm just glad that I have my rings back.

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