Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hola, Roseola

Elise is getting over a case of what I presume is roseola. She had a fever for a couple of days, her fever broke, then she got a rash on her head and torso. The rash is going away now.

Elise was kind of cranky during her fever. The fever was never very high and I just assumed that it was related to teething. Then her fever went away and I thought she was all better. The afternoon that her fever broke, just as I was finishing up feeding her lunch I noticed a rash on her face. I thought that she must be having a reaction to something she ate (we'd recently given her peach yogurt for the first time), so I called her doctor's office to find out how much antihistamine to give her.

After I gave her the medicine, I noticed that the rash was on her scalp and her back and tummy. Not her arms or legs. Just her head and torso. That's a sign of roseola. Then I read about how with roseola kids get a fever that goes away and then they get the rash. Yep. Elise caught it for sure.

The rash didn't bother her. Not itchy or anything. She didn't seem to notice it at all.

Apparently, most babies get roseola at some point. It's just a little virus. No big deal. And now her rash is going away. She'll never even remember it happened.

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