Friday, March 18, 2011

The Incredible Shrinky Dinky

According to the date of my last period, I should be about 12 weeks along in my pregnancy. At my OBGYN visit 4 weeks ago, I was told that the baby is probably a week younger than we had assumed. That would make me about 11 weeks along.

Then today, I was told that it looks like the baby is about 10 weeks old. 10 weeks, 3 days. What?!

We saw Dinky wiggle its little arms around (precious!) and we saw the heart beating, so I know the baby is alive. But somehow Dinky keeps getting younger.

How are you doing that, Dinky? Put it in a bottle and sell it, please, and make us all rich!

We're going to have to wait a couple of months to find out my real due date. That's when they send me to a specialist where they do the in depth ultrasound and measure everything exactly. We'll be able to tell how old the baby really is then.

Oh, and speaking of measurements, I weighed 115 at the OBGYN's office today. My prepregnancy weight. Still haven't gone over 115. I eat like crazy. Oh, I know I'll start gaining soon, but I am enjoying it while I can.

1 comment:

  1. We learned in ob/gyn rotation that the earlier the ultrasound, the more accurate they are with dating (still not as accurate as LMP though). Just figure your typical length LMP, then subtract 2 weeks from when you should've gotten it and treat that as the date of conception. Add 38 weeks. Tah dah. Well, I guess it's not always that simple.
