Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pink Eye; Puke Tummy

I woke up this morning with pink eye. It itches like craaaaaaazy. Went to my primary care doctor. All of the nurses remembered when I was first pregnant with Elise and they were excited to get to finally see her. That was nice. Then I saw the doctor and she gave me ointment to put in my eyes.

Why ointment? Why not drops? It's like I'm looking through a fogged window for about 15 minutes after I put the goop on my inner lower eyelids (as directed). And I have to do that 4 times each day!

Ringworm was my first trimester plague when I was pregnant with Elise. Considering that my children seem to go out of their way to cough and sneeze in my face, it looks like pink eye will be my plague with Dinky.

On top of red, watery, itchy, foggy eyes, I have had terrible morning sickness since last night. Awful. Terrible. No puking yet, but several dry heaving sessions.

I'm miserable right now. I'm sick. I messed up dinner last night and tonight and we had to eat other stuff than what I'd planned. Laundry is washed but not folded. My hair hasn't been brushed in days (weeks? I don't know...). My pants are starting not to fit.

I know things will get better. I know I'm just having an emotional pregnant moment. I know that there isn't enough gas in my car to make it to Canada, much less the next major city in my state.

Tomorrow will be better.

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