Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Elise Did Some Cool Stuff Today

Elise is already pitting Husband and me against each other. Or trying to, anyway.

Husband gives Elise anything she asks for. Lately, he's been handing her the cordless house phone to play with. He unplugs the base of the phone and lets her play with the receiver. I don't do that. I encourage her to play with her own toys, or sometimes I just lock the keypad on my cell phone and let her play with that.

This morning Elise kept pointing at the home phone, making her little made up sign for "telephone," and saying, "Hi! Hi! Hi!" to let me know that she wanted the phone. I was pretty much ignoring her. Then she stops. Locks eyes with me. Points at the phone. Locks eyes with me. And says, "Dada." As in, "Daddy lets me play with the phone. Maybe he's my favorite now. You'd better watch it, lady."


Well, Daddy's not here. So no.

After that, Elise did something equally as threatening to my mommy status, but in an entirely different way.

I've been giving her a sippy cup of cow's milk with her meals lately. She'll drink it, and it usually delays her desire to breastfeed a little bit. This morning she asked to breastfeed right after breakfast, despite drinking from her sippy cup. Okay. Minor step backward. No big deal.

She nursed for a little while, but then she cut the breastfeeding short, sat up, and said, "Mill? Mill?" "I'm giving you milk, silly," I said to her. But she turned and pointed to her sippy cup on the table. "Mill? Mill?" So I gave her the sippy cup and she drank that instead.

I was happy and sad. I was so proud of her for realizing that the sippy cup had milk, too, even though it was a different kind of milk. And I was sort of glad that she wanted the cow's milk, because that means that weening is going well. But... but... what about MOMMY? What about OUR special time together?

Yay. My baby is growing up. *Tears!*

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