Monday, September 12, 2011

Cute Things Elise Says

* Elise calls Cheerios "yellows," I guess because the box is yellow.

* If Elise does something that she knows is bad, she'll immediately say, "I love you!" Pause. Then, "Happy?" (To which she usually gets a response that goes something like, "I'm happy that you love me. I am NOT happy about your behavior, however.")

* Every night Elise asks to be rocked and sung "Rock-a-bye Baby" by saying, "Bye Baby?" She says it so plaintively that it nearly breaks my heart every time.

* This morning after Elise woke up and I nursed her for a couple of minutes I told her, "Okay. All done. Would you like me to get you a sippy cup with milk?" I'm trying to transition her to having cow's milk instead of breast milk in the mornings. She thought about it for a second and said, "Cookie?" Nice try, Elise.

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