Saturday, September 3, 2011

Doing the Math

At the ultrasounds that we've had for Clark, he's consistently measured about a week smaller than what the date of my last period says he should be measuring. The midwives, nurses, doctors, etc. all say that the ultrasounds are only SO accurate and there's a certain margin of error for measuring the baby and so my due date was never adjusted for that slight discrepancy. My due date continues to be based on the date of my last period.

Elise always measured EXACTLY to the day what a fetus of her gestation should measure. Maybe Clark is just a different baby and so he measures differently. Or maybe he really was conceived a week later than my last period would indicate. There's no real telling when conception occurs, it can vary by days or even weeks-- that's why doctors give you a due date based on your last period. It's a mystery what goes on in a lady's fallopian tubes and just exactly what the timing of everything is.

Anyhow, I've decided that I'd like Clark to wait until I'm 38 weeks along before he decides to be born. That way, even if he IS a week younger than we expect, he'll still be born at 37 weeks gestation, which is officially full term. Then I won't be so worried about him when I go into labor.

Hear that, Clark? September 16th or later, please.

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