Thursday, September 22, 2011

Two New Words for the Day

In an amusing coincidence, Elise's new words for the day today were "buns" and "lips." Perhaps she was working up the nerve to tell me to kiss her ass. I'll let you know if we get to that point within the next few days...

I try to refer to Elise's butt as her "bottom"-- it seems like one of the least possibly offensive names for a person's rear end. Good for a baby. Never inappropriate. Well, for some reason I called her butt her "buns" today and she just latched right on to that word. How does she do that? She knows just what I don't really want her to repeat and then it becomes her new favorite word. Buns buns buns.

Elise is also starting to make objects possessive. She doesn't quite get that she's supposed to add an "s," but she's got the basic word structure right. As I was folding laundry this evening, she walked up, touched my butt and said, "Mama buns." Yes, Elise, Mama's buns. Then she turned to the side, cocked her hip at me and said, 'E-lee buns!" Yes. Elise's buns.

Who said grammar was boring?

1 comment:

  1. Cute! Buns is not too bad. Andy says "heiny," thanks to my lovely sister teaching him that one. Andy is also doing possessive. He says things like "mama's cup" or "daddy's pants." Or sometimes he gets the order reversed, so it's "cup . . . mama's!" He often asks who something belongs to, like "daddy's car?" He always thinks the car I usually drive belongs to daddy. He also says "andy's apples" (more like "ann eeee's") or "mama's toast" when we are at the table eating a meal. For some reason, all the things outdoors belong to him. Andy's tree, Andy's flowers . . . except the dogs that walk by. He just woofs! loudly at them.
