Friday, September 16, 2011

Elise 18 Month Check Up

Elise had her 18 month check up today. She is 32 inches tall (50th percentile) and 21 lbs 7 oz (15th percentile). Once again, the doctor assured me that her weight is just fine, as she's always been on the thin side.

She had to get three shots today, which included a flu shot. I know from experience that flu shots can hurt. Poor Elisey. She started crying as soon as the nurse and I began to pin her down, though. Oh, it kills me. Kills me. After the shots in her legs she was crying, "Boo boo! Boo boo! B-b-b-boo-boo-boo boo! LEG!!!" Just thinking of it still makes me sad. I tried to explain that these little boo boos would keep her from getting big boo boos later. But, as smart as Elise is, there was no reasoning with her about her leg boo boos. Also, I think she was a bit offended that I participated in the process and let her get hurt. Or maybe I'm projecting my own feelings on to her.

Anyway, some post nap diarrhea (which I feel confident was a result of the shots) and a dose of baby Tylenol and she's a-okay now.

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