Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cat Update

Both of my sick kitty cats' blood work results have come back. They're doing better than I expected. Yay!

Beanie, my lady cat with chronic kidney disease, has to have blood work done every three months in order to monitor her disease. That is not cheap, by the way. But anyhow, the values of the stuff that they test her for with regard to her kidneys have held steady, which is really really good because if the numbers increase then her disease is getting more serious. Chronic kidney disease in cats doesn't get better, and the best you can hope for is that it doesn't get worse too fast. So Beanie is doing awesome, basically.

The vet discovered that Beanie does have a urinary tract infection, which is uber common in cats with kidney disease. So she's on antibiotics right now. Another pill she has to take every day. She already takes two pills each morning (for her kidneys), so what's one more?

Man, urinary tract infections are awful. How miserable it must be to be a cat and not even be able to say, "Hey. Um. It burns when I pee. Can someone do something about that?"

My other sick cat, Saucy, was having trouble with some values that they tested for regarding his liver. But this second and most recent round of blood work came back showing an improvement. He's still not out of the woods, but basically the vets are pretty sure he's not, like, in the throes of advanced liver cancer. So, we'll check his blood again in a few months and hope that there's still more improvement and that basically nothing has to be done.

Cats, man. Not as low maintenance as you might think.

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