Thursday, May 10, 2012

Time Cover

I guess there is a big flap about this new Time magazine cover photo:

It's a mom breastfeeding her 3 year old.

I don't understand why anyone cares. I mean, fine, critics of this photograph, you don't want to breastfeed your own 3 year old. You feel like that's "too old." I get that. But why do you care if anyone else does it? Seriously. What difference does it make? People are so judgmental about the weirdest stuff.

What I think people really mean when they say, "That kid's going to need therapy because his mom is psycho" or whatever is, "I don't understand that and therefore it makes me uncomfortable." People don't turn into sociopaths because they were breastfed as toddlers. Critics of the photograph, YOU are the ones sexualizing the action, not the three year old. And honestly, as someone who deals on a personal level with kids who actually DO have psycho parents, it's nice to see someone who cares so much about her child that if she is erring at all, she's erring on the side of too much attachment rather than not enough.

Mothers should be able to breastfeed for as long as they want. Loving gay and homosexual couples should be allowed to raise children. And everyone should mind their own f-ing business. Or at the very least, focus their efforts on actually helping kids that really do need help.

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