Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Present Suggestion for a Pregnant Lady

A long time ago, well before I ever thought I might get pregnant, my friend Kelli gave me a sarong as a gift. It is very pretty and while I always liked it, I never appreciated it so much as when I was pregnant with Elise and Clark.

A sarong is the perfect piece of pregnant lady clothing because you tie it around yourself, so it adjusts to your size. And it isn't full of elastic or buttons or anything uncomfortable. I especially liked wearing my sarong as a skirt, because nothing else ever fit me properly around my middle. It's obviously not something you can wear to the office, but around the house on the weekends it was perfect. And the fabric is so light, I didn't even mind wearing it when I was in the midst of my big bellied hot flashes.

Need a unique pregnant lady gift idea? I suggest a sarong.

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