Sunday, August 19, 2012

Desires, Poo Poo Pants

* Clark has three favorite foods now: cottage cheese, yogurt, and Buddy Fruits (any flavor). Buddy Fruits are these little squeezable packages of pureed fruit that I keep in my diaper bag in case Clark needs a snack or a supplement to a restaurant meal, since his diet is still kind of limited. Clark knows what the packaging of Buddy Fruits looks like and he LOSES his SHIT when he sees one. Bonkers. Screaming. Until the fruit is being squeezed into his mouth, he's inconsolable. To a lesser degree, he's like that with yogurt and the tub of cottage cheese. I have to carefully coordinate the presentation of Clark's meals lately, making sure to give him his food in the order of least desirable to most desirable, otherwise he won't eat things like broccoli or carrots or bread.

* Riding home from grocery shopping with the kids today, they were all in the back of the van talking to each other. Mostly it was like this:

Henry: "A digger!"

Georgia: "Momma! A digger! A digger, Henry?"

Henry: "Yeah, a digger. Elise! I see a digger!"

Elise: "Oooh. Where the digger?"

Blah blah blah. Silly baby talk. Then:

Elise: "Hey! Daddy poo poos in his pants!"

And the kids all explode with laughter. For, like, two minutes they just laughed and laughed.

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