Monday, August 13, 2012

Flo Rida

There's actually a rapper with that name. Flo Rida. As in Flow Rider. He's from Florida, so the name has two meanings, I guess. But "Flo Rida" ???  I believe you're supposed to be thinking about the flow of his lyrics, but all I can think about is a lady who has her period. Her flow. Riding it out. Flo Rida.

Welcome back, bloody blood.

It's been about 10 1/2 months since Clark was born. It only took 6 months to get my period back after Elise. Clearly, this time my uterus was like "What the fuck was THAT?! 9 lbs 5 oz? I am CLOSED FOR BUSINESS. Will reopen after some remodeling. Thank you, Mgmt."

Welcome to my grand re-opening.

Here's the weirdest part. Before I had Elise, I didn't really get period cramps. Not much. Not like some ladies. Then after I had Elise, I definitely got them. You know, those TWO periods that I had before I was pregnant again. But whatever, I was getting cramps. I had read that can happen, that your period can be completely different than what you're used to after you have a baby. But this time, ZERO cramps. Zero. So Elise flipped the period cramp switch on her way out, then Clark flipped it back when it was his turn to shimmy past. Awesome.

Well, getting my period makes me hungry. So I'm going to go ride my flow with a post-dinner bowl of spaghetti and a tall cold one ("one" being a huge glass of chocolate milk). Laterz, my homeslices.

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