Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Henry In Preschool

Henry has started preschool! Not just day care, but actual preschool, where they prepare kids for kindergarten. Usually you have to be 4 years old to enroll in preschool, but because of Henry's speech delays he was eligible to start preschool at 3 years old.

Husband and I both took Henry to school on his first day. I was a little nervous for him. No mommy tears, though, because he's already been going to day care and I know that this preschool program will be a million times better for him. But it was a new school, new teacher, new classmates... I thought about him all day long and worried that he was having a good time.

No need to worry, though! He was smiling when I picked him up. I think that the 8 BILLION toy cars and trucks that they have in their classroom put him at ease. Every day when I take him to school, Elise asks to stay and play. I generally linger a few minutes, but Henry's always fine when I leave and happy when I pick him up. Every day has been a good day. And his teacher has already commented on what a sweet boy he is and that he has such a nice disposition.

I'm so glad that it was a smooth transition for Henry to big kid school.

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