Friday, November 25, 2011

Pee Pee Bed

today at nap time elise took off her diaper and then ended up peeing in her bed. she was very upset by this. so much so that she just woke up crying during the night, after she was put down for the evening, which she doesn't normally do unless she's sick. i asked her what was wrong.

"why was elise crying?"

"diaper off."

she was wearing zipped up footie pajamas, so she clearly didn't mean her diaper was off tonight. she was thinking about earlier in the day.

"your diaper was off?"

"pee pee bed!"

"you peed in your bed? that's okay. it was an accident."


"yes. we cleaned your bed."

"cleaning pee pee bed?"

"your bed is clean now."

poor elise. hopefully she's learned her lesson. diaper on.