Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Snot A Good Idea to Eat That

Tonight Elise stuck her finger up her nose.

"Mucous?" (This is what Husband has taught her to call whatever comes out of her nose because he so hates the word "booger.")

"Yeah, Elise. Mucous. Let me get you a tissue."

While I went to get her a tissue, Elise sat there and played with the booger on her finger. When I came back she looked at me and asked, "Eat eat?"

"No. We don't eat that."

Thanks for asking, though. Lots of kids would have just figured it out the hard way. Or not figured it out and subsequently become that-kid-in-class-who-eats-his-boogers. I'm glad we got this out of the way so early on.

1 comment:

  1. Andy recently had a cold and he fished some out of his nose, so we taught him "boogers." He didn't try to eat them, thankfully. He justs holds his finger out so we can wipe it off. Still gross, though.
