Thursday, November 17, 2011

Swaddling; Milk Conversation

Elise liked to be swaddled when she was an infant. She wanted her arms pinned down straight against her sides (instead of folded across her chest like they try to teach you to do it) and the swaddle wrapped tight. Clark can't stand to have his arms wrapped up. From day one, he fussed and pulled his arms out if you tried to wrap them. He likes to have a blanket wrapped around his legs and his middle, but not his arms. I'm convinced it has something to do with the fact that he was such a big baby and I'm not such a big momma. Like, some kind of claustrophobic reaction from being cramped up in my tiny uterus.


Elise has been wanting to talk a lot lately about the fact that Clark drinks "mommy milk" and she drinks "cow milk." I guess because she just stopped breastfeeding, and because Clark just started. This was our conversation tonight before bed, right after I'd finished feeding Clark:

"Baby Clark eat milk."


"Mommy milk."

"Yes. Clark eats mommy's milk."

"Elise cow milk."

"Yes. Elise eats cow's milk."


"Elise kitty-cat milk?"

"Noooo. Elise doesn't eat cat's milk. We don't eat cat's milk. Just cow's milk."

Another pause. Then Elise smiled.

"Dinosaur milk?"

"All right. Now you're just being silly."


  1. God your kid is advanced. I thought this whole alphabet/number/anatomy/color/every-object-in-the-house thing Mikey has going was good. Elise forms damn sentences.

  2. Andy also hated being swaddled. We learned to swaddle with arms down by the sides, but Andy could wiggle out of any swaddle. But he was only 5 lbs when we brought him home, so I guess it happens to little guys too.
