Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cat News, Uh-oh, Daddy?

* Sausage doesn't have cancer! Probably. They can't rule it out completely, but there are no obvious signs per his recent tests. Yay! So he probably has irritable bowel disease, which makes his tummy very sensitive and requires us to change his diet to some very expensive cat food. I'm so happy, though. So happy.

* Today Clark dropped a toy and on his own he said "uh-oh!" Awesome, Clarky! He did it about 3 more times, so it wasn't a fluke. My little smarty pants. I'm just hoping that it isn't some kind of unfortunate foreshadowing that his first real word (where he has given actual meaning to a specific sound) is "uh-oh."

* The kids' mom has decided that she thinks she knows who Susannah's biological father is. Despite the fact that the kids have been in foster care for over 18 months, despite the fact that Case Manager has asked her repeatedly for the names of any potential fathers, and despite saying in court that she doesn't know who the father is, NOW she thinks she knows, right before the TPR hearing is scheduled. Unbelievable. I'm going to be SO upset if this delays the hearing.

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