Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Status Updates

* Clark's newest food: broccoli. He seemed to like it.

* Elise's newest saying: pee pee teepee. That's my fault. I was capitalizing on her poo poo igloo, so I told her to tell her daddy "pee pee teepee." Now she won't stop saying it.

* Repairs in the boys' bedroom: done! Everything has been painted, patched, and organized. Whew! Next room in the house that we'll work on is the girls' bedroom.

* Crappiest thing to happen lately: someone tried to burglarize my car. Someone opened up my car and rifled through everything in the middle of the night a few days ago.  Ha, ha, Sucker! All I keep in my car is baby wipes, a phone charger, and some Weird Al Yankovic cassette tapes. Nothing was taken. Apparently the criminal isn't into musical parodies set to polka music. Or maybe the criminal just doesn't have a cassette player anymore. Anyhow, some of our neighbors did get stuff taken from their cars. I heard someone saying, "... iPod, my iPhone..." to the cops.

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