Saturday, July 21, 2012

I Swear To Tell the Truth, the Whole Truth...

I got a subpoena today commanding me to appear and testify at the TPR hearing next month. I knew it was coming. Still, it's weird to have a strange guy knock on your door in the middle of the day, have him identify himself as an "officer of the court," and then hand you an order to appear somewhere on a certain day and time. A fine how-do-you-do while four kids are screaming at you that they want their lunch and don't care if the Queen of England is knocking at the door, they're hungry goddammit (at least that's what I think they were trying to say).

The TPR hearing should be interesting. The kids' mom keeps making really poor decisions. Really poor. But they aren't the kind of things that are definitely going to make a judge say "this is just too much." It's obvious to everyone who is actively involved in the case (the foster parents, the case manager, the supervisors at the visitation center where the kids have weekly visits with their mom, etc.) that the kids' mom just isn't capable of adequately parenting her children. Not even one child, let alone five. I just hope that the attorney can put together a strong enough case and show concrete evidence to back up what everyone else's gut feelings are telling them.

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