Thursday, June 3, 2010

Baby Baby Hates Tummy Time

She just hates it. I feel like Elise gets frustrated that she can't go anywhere yet. Can't crawl away.

I put her down on her back on her play mat and she looks up at all the rattles and toys dangling down at her. She smiles and giggles and kicks her legs. I turn her over for tummy time and she is beside herself with anger. She does okay for a few minutes, but after kicking her legs for a while and clawing at the mat to no avail, she freaks out and cries so hard she nearly chokes.

Sometimes she can get one leg up underneath of her and push with it. But since it's only one leg, she simply moves her little body around in a circle. This can keep her entertained for a few minutes, but after a while she even tires of that.

Man, when I was pregnant I would have LOVED some tummy time. It's weird not being able to lay on your stomach for about 5 months. You don't know how good you have it Elise! Enjoy tummy time! There may come a day when you can't lay on your tummy and then you'll wish you had tummy time back.

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