Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Separation Anxiety

Mommy's first separation anxiety.

I had a dentist's appointment today. Husband came with me and stayed with Elise in the waiting room while I had my cleaning and xrays done. I was separated from Elise for about an hour, although we were in the same building and someone could have easily gotten me if there was a problem.

But all I could think the whole time was "Come on, come on, COME ON! Hurry up!"

Everyone who worked there wanted to tell me about their own kids. Or their plans to start trying. And one lady, after I asked her if it was okay to get xrays while breastfeeding (I'd already researched it and found out that it is, I just wanted to double check), even asked me how long I plan to breastfeed. What the what?!? Do I know you? Why are you asking me this, weird lady who is clearly silently judging me for my answer?

Elise was asleep on Husband's lap when I returned. What? She didn't miss me as much as I missed her? She was OKAY with not being near me for an HOUR? I guess that's a good thing.

We're still BFFs, though. Right, Elise?


  1. We've left the baby with grandparents on 3 or 4 occasions now- a maximum of 2hours to see that Babies movie - which is great! We decided it was necessary to train ourselves not to freak out about letting other people take care of him- I had been nervous about that.

  2. yeah, this is clearly way more my problem than Elise's. i mean, obviously i trust Husband to watch her. and like i said, i was still in the same building. i guess i just really didn't want to leave her in order to do what had to be done. going out for a movie is fun. getting dental xrays is not.
