Monday, July 12, 2010

4 Month Check Up

4 month doctor's visit. Elise was 24 1/2 inches long (55th percentile) and 13 lbs 4 oz (45th percentile). Healthy as can be. And hitting all of her milestones, according to the piece of paper the nurse gave me to read.

I'm not one to monitor the "your baby should be doing THIS by 4 months" kind of stuff. Every baby is different and unless there is something seriously wrong, I just don't care if Elise is 2 weeks early doing this or 3 weeks late doing that. She's perfect and smart and cool, no matter what some book or website or stranger in the grocery store might have to say.

Now, with foster kids, it's a little bit more important to monitor the milestones because their mom might have been doing drugs while she was pregnant or the kids might have suffered some sort of trauma, and the only way you can know sometimes is to see that the children are behind developmentally. It's sad, but since little babies can't say, "she used to shake me until I'd stop crying" you just have to go with what you can observe about the child. So I'm not saying that these milestones are unimportant.

But since I know that Elise wasn't exposed to anything dangerous while she was in my belly, and since she is the most loved-on, snuggled, and adored baby on the planet, I'm pretty sure that she's developing just fine.

She is a very goo gooorl.

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