Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Bath: 4 Months Later

Elise still likes bath time. She knows how to splash and she tries to move around a lot, which presents a small challenge since she can't sit up completely on her own yet. I have to hold on to one of her shoulders at all times to make sure that she doesn't fall face first into the water.

I still give her a bath twice a week. This has always been our routine. It's usually on Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday. We do it in the morning, while Husband is at work. She doesn't really get dirty yet, so bathing her more often doesn't seem necessary. I think it will just dry out her skin. However, if we use sunscreen, I bathe her that same night. That's the only exception, really.

One weird thing about baby baths is the towels. A lot of them are really thin. I don't get this. We have some thin towels and some thick towels, and I favor the thick ones. Really, you could probably just use an adult bath towel. I can't imagine what difference it would make. Baby bath towels would definitely be something I'd cut out of my budget if I was strapped for baby cash. I wouldn't put them quite on the same level of useless crap as, say, a travel wipes warmer-- but baby bath towels are definitely not a necessity.

They are cute, though, with that little hoodie corner. That's what you're paying for, really. An extra flap of fabric to make a hoodie corner.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew loves baths, especially since we started showing him how to kick the water and make a splashy mess. We also do twice weekly baths and sometimes thrice weekly when he is super sticky. He's a messy breast feeder. He still gets distracted and pulls away occasionally and gets breast milk everywhere. He also has tons of fuzz getting stuck in between his fingers and toes. We wipe this stuff out and wipe his face everyday, but he still really needs those baths. I can't imagine how dirty he'll get once he can crawl around! His skin did dry out easily during the first month or two, but we haven't noticed it for awhile. I guess he's making enough oil for his skin now. That or the breastmilk all over him is moisturizing.
