Sunday, January 29, 2012

Henry Says

As I've mentioned before, Henry has speech delays. They're pretty profound. He has very few words in his vocabulary. His therapist has identified his problem as an issue of being able to recall the words he needs. Henry can understand what other people say very well. If you ask him to point to a picture of a banana out of a stack of cards, he can identify the banana without a second's hesitation. But then hold up that same card and say, "What's this?" and he'll say, "Apple." Every fruit is an apple. Every color is red. Every vehicle is an airplane. His therapist calls this "getting to the right neighborhood but going to the wrong house."

Anyhow, over the past week or so, Henry has had a small language explosion. Nothing to make us say, "He's totally getting it! Everything's clicked! No more therapy!" But definitely a step in the right direction. I held up his windbreaker as we were getting ready to leave the house today and asked, "What's this?" and he said, "Jacket!" He's started saying milk, boo boo, get down... it might sound like no big deal that a kid who's almost 3 years old would be saying these simple words, but it really is a big deal for Henry and I'm so so so so happy about his progress.

I'm trying not to be too hopeful that everything will just suddenly click or that his progress will start speeding up. BUT he's been doing so well this past week. I hope for his sake that we can get him mostly caught up by the time that he starts elementary school. Fingers crossed!!!

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