Tuesday, January 31, 2012

G-damn Mother-f-ing... I Can't Believe This!!! (Wait. Yes I can.)

Georgia's dad is in jail right now. Logically you might think, "Well, this proves that he is not fit to parent a small child at this point in his life." But that is not what the courts think. Instead they think, "Let's put everything on hold while dad is in jail and then we'll talk about being a dad later, after he is done serving his sentence."


The only time courts here will terminate parental rights due to the length of a parent's incarceration is if the parent will be locked up for a substantial portion of the child's life before the child reaches the age of 18. So, basically, unless dear old dad gets convicted and then sentenced to (roughly) 10 years or more, we are stuck in limbo. Georgia could literally live with us for the next 5 years, and then go home to live with her dad once he gets out of jail and finishes working on his case plan. Fucking unbelievable.

If Georgia's dad gets convicted and receives the maximum sentence, Georgia would be older than I am right now by the time he gets out. So it's conceivable that her dad will be deemed unfit to parent based on his recent arrest. But what are the chances that he'll actually get the maximum sentence? I've seen this man testify before a judge. He presents himself well. He's not dumb or mean or anything less than humble and polite.

He basically just sentenced his daughters to an unknown number of years in the foster care system. At the end of which, they will be old enough to actually be aware of what's going on, and will feel all of the pain and loss that will go along with losing the only family they have ever known once dad takes them away from their foster families.

Okay. I'm jumping to a lot of conclusions here. I'm just all worked up over this. I'll let you know what happens...

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