Friday, February 17, 2012

Chicky Pox

Yep. It's chicken pox (or "chicky pox," as Elise calls it). I took Clark to the doctor's office today-- they wouldn't let us inside, though. Nurses came out to the car to look at him. They didn't want to contaminate their office.

Poor baby. He's now covered head to toe. COVERED. His little butt has it the worst. But he has them all over his scalp, head, chest, tummy, and butt. Not quite as many on his arms and legs. He as a few on his weenie and baby taters (Husband refers to the boy parts as the "meat and potatoes"). He's acting okay, doesn't seem particularly fussy or uncomfortable. A little sleepier than usual, but when he's awake he's happy and alert.

The nurses this morning said that if Clark gets any pox in his eye, it's an emergency and to go to the ER. Well, a few hours after we left the doctor's office, he started to get a little spot right on the edge of his eyelid, where the eyelashes grow. I called the doctor's office and spoke to a nurse on the phone. She said that Clark needs to be seen by a doctor to make sure that his eye is okay, but my regular doctor was already booked for the day and to call another specific office. So I called over to the other office and spoke to a nurse who then spoke to a doctor and got back on the phone with me. She said that unless the spot was on the eyeball itself, there's nothing the doctor could do. She told me to just watch for redness on his eyeball and call back if there are any significant changes.

Okay. Fine. So then I get on the internet just to see what might happen if you have a pox on your eyelid. My own doctor's office sounded pretty convinced that Clark should see a doctor, pronto. But the backup doctor didn't want to see us. Everything I found online basically just said, "If there's a spot on the eyelid near the eyeball, go see your doctor." Ugh!

So I called my eye doctor's office. Because that's the kind of paranoid mommy that I am. Again, I talked to a nurse who talked to a doctor who then talked back to me. Same story. Nothing you can do about a spot on the eyelid, but if the eyeball starts to look red or gets a red spot on it, contact someone right away. So now that two doctors told me the same thing, I'm okay with not rushing Clark to an urgent care facility.

Of course, I'm obsessively checking his eyeball now.

We'll be quarantined for the next couple of weeks, Clark and I. No trips to the grocery store or the library or anywhere else. Better at home than the hospital, though.


  1. Poor baby. He is going to get every disease out there until his immune system builds up. Thank goodness he is such a good baby. Love Mom
