Wednesday, February 1, 2012

More Random Notes

1. Henry told me "I love you" spontaneously for the first time ever tonight. *mommy tears*

2. Clark weighs 18 lbs now. That's the 94th percentile.

3. Henry weighs 33.5 lbs-- 88th percentile.

4. I weigh 120 lbs. Woohoo! Pre-pregnancy weight, here I come! 5 more lbs to go!

5. Henry has another ear infection. We're back on track for ear tubes.

6. Elise: "Elmo a boy. Elmo has penis?"

7. Me: "Elise, what do you want for lunch today?" Elise: "Birthday cake." That's the last time I let that be an open-ended question...

Also: Discovery News article-- Hugs Help Kids' Brains

1 comment:

  1. Haha. Elmo is a eunuch.

    Andy has been ending his sentences in "yeah" or "ok." So when we ask him what he wants for lunch, we often hear: "Andy want at ice cream lunch ok."
