Monday, February 13, 2012

Crazy Babies

This afternoon Elise was looking at my phone, which has a keyboard for texting.

"Where da letter X?!?! WHERE DA LETTER X?!?!?"

"It's there Elise. Just look at my phone."

"It NOT there! Letter X NOT on phone! Letter X NOT on phone!!!"

She kind of freaked out. Then she freaked out again at dinner time, looking at a piece of food that was dangling off her fork.

With genuine concern she said, "Mama! It a PENIS!!!"

Yeah, Elise. I made you penis for dinner.

Then after dinner, Henry told me that I have banana boobs. I was feeding Clark and Henry decided to use his newly expanded vocabulary to say, "Baby eating! Baby eating banana!" Next, he climbed behind where I was sitting, pulled open the back of my pants and looked down at my butt and declared, "Poo poo! Poo poo!"

What's going on around here?

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