Welcome to my retelling of Craptastic Day #4. The fourth consecutive craptastic day in this series.
So, I was taking a shower with Elise this afternoon. Elise loooooooves the water, which is really nice because I can take a shower and she just plays at my feet. I'm happy and she's happy and it's great. Today she took a full can of shaving cream off the ledge and was driving it around on the floor of the bathtub like a car. When I was done showering, I told her "clean up time!" and she went to put the can back on the ledge, as if she was putting a toy away. Well, the can fell and dropped straight down on her pinky toe.
Blood everywhere.
I know that water makes blood look even worse than it is because it thins the blood out but it still looks very red. Regardless, this was a lot of blood coming out of her tiny toe. So, Elise is screaming, I jump out of the shower holding the baby, both of us dripping wet and Elise dripping blood everywhere (on the floor, on her potty chair, on the wall) and run to the hall closet where I grab a clean dish towel. I hold her with her foot in the air, wrapped in the towel, applying pressure.
But my mind is racing. What do I do first? Ice? Tylenol? Get us dressed? I went and got her old teething rings from the freezer to put on her foot, but she was having none of that. I called Husband and told him to come home right away, and then I tried to get us dressed.
I was trying desperately to keep Elise from standing up. I couldn't tell how deep the cut was, but her toe was swelling like crazy and bleeding and generally looking pretty bad. I didn't want her to make the injury any worse. It was hard to put a diaper on her and then try to dress myself-- all while holding her foot in the air, above her head. That's all I could really think to do, apply pressure and hold her foot in the air.
Finally Husband came home and by that point Elise wasn't screaming any more and was even somewhat consolable. So we decided that she PROBABLY didn't need to go to the emergency room. We tried to call her doctor to see what the nurse suggested, but the office was still on lunch break. Then Husband called the urgent care clinic that we use. The nurse was like, "does she need stitches?" Um. We have no idea. She's hurt. That's all we know. So they gave us an appointment for a few hours later and told us to give her some Tylenol and wrap the toe in a bandage until then.
Somewhere in the middle of all of this, my slippery wet shower hands dropped my phone on the kitchen floor for the one billionth time since I bought my cell phone... but THIS was the time my phone decided to break. Like, that's it. No more phone.
So. Husband goes back to work and Elise takes a nap until her urgent care appointment.
Then, on the way to the urgent care center I get lost. But I have no phone. So I can't call and tell them I'm running late or ask for directions. I can't use my phone's GPS. I just have to drive around until I find the damn place. OF ALL DAYS!!!
Finally I get to the urgent care center and they're still willing to see Elise even though I'm late. The doctor put some doctor-style super glue on Elise's toe to close it up (it was still oozing) and put this little strip of stuff over the glue that makes a kind of hard bandage. Elise was not happy about the procedure, but I was sure happy that she didn't need stitches. What an ordeal that would have been!
Elise is fine now. Doesn't even notice her booboo anymore. I went after dinner and got a new phone. So now if I go into labor I can actually call Husband or if I get lost I can call for directions. And thank goodness this stupid day is over.
No more stupid days, please. I'm at my limit. Four is enough.