Thursday, July 21, 2011


Elise has started swim lessons and she LOVES LOVES LOVES them. Super happy baby in the pool. "Pool" is her new favorite word, by the way.

I get to the pool a little bit early so we have some time in the water before class starts. She likes that. Time to just play and splash, although I try to make her do some of the stuff we practice in class like kicking and dunking her in the water. Elise enjoys all of it... EXCEPT the part of class where the instructor passes a ball back and forth. The idea is to get the kids reaching out in the water toward something. The ball kind of has the opposite effect on Elise, though, so the instructor uses a different toy just for her. It's funny-- there's so much stuff that we do that makes the other kids cry, like dunking the babies in the water or laying them on their backs to try and float, but the ONLY thing that makes Elise cry is that stupid ball.

I wonder if she'll still like swimming when she's older. I can swim but I've never been a very strong swimmer, so I hope for her that she's better at it than I am.

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