Monday, July 4, 2011

Craptastic Day, the Sequel

Soooo, yesterday was bad. Worse than today, I'll admit.


Today Husband had to take Georgia to the ER. She suddenly broke out in these little bumps all over her groin, feet, tummy, and legs. Raised bumps. And since it's a holiday, there was no place to take her BUT the ER. I spoke to the after-hours nurse from her doctor's office-- hoping she'd say to just watch her and take her to the doctor tomorrow or something-- but I was told, "it could be the start of anything... take her to the ER to be sure." Dammit dammit dammit.

End result was that she has some kind of virus. Nothing that can be done. No medicine or anything. It just has to run its course. It's no more dangerous than any other common childhood illness, but it looks kinda crazy with all the little bumps everywhere. The bumps don't seem to be itchy or bothersome. Georgia doesn't notice them. So I guess it's no big deal. Other than she's going to have to stay home for a day or two from day care. And of course, the other kids will catch it eventually and probably Husband and me, too. Dammit dammit dammit.

While Husband was gone with Georgia, the new fridge arrived. This required a lot of pre-fridge-arrival cleaning and post-fridge-arrival cleaning. Not so easy while being home alone with Elise and Henry and a belly full of Clark.

This wasn't the relaxing 4th of July weekend I had envisioned. Oh well.

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