Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Drip


I was hoping that since I'm still breastfeeding, my boobs would just know how to handle the new baby's milk. That I wouldn't have to go through the leaky phase again, where unless they're strapped in to a bra, milk is dripping everywhere.

No dice. I'm starting to lactate for no apparent reason again.

I make massive amounts of milk. I'm going to have no problem feeding two babies... and even if I were going to have twins, I'm positive that I'd still be okay. I should be selling this stuff. Seriously. Since I've started breastfeeding, I've never not had milk in my breasts. I can feel the amount in there going down when Elise nurses, but I've never run out. They say to nurse a baby on one breast until it's empty and then switch sides-- getting empty has never ever happened to me. Even at 16 months (which is a pretty big baby), Elise will sometimes nurse for over 30 minutes at night and it's all on one breast. And I could still pump more out after she's done.

I could make Elise switch sides so that she nurses from both breasts during every feeding, but she'll still drink the same amount of milk, so my milk production won't be any less. She'll just be nursing from both sides each time she feeds. So I stick to one boob. I started feeding her on just one side at a time in the very beginning because I was over-producing milk and she wasn't getting enough of the fatty hindmilk if I switched her half way through a feeding, so my lactation consultant told me to keep her on just one breast for each feeding. It helped. And we've never stopped doing it that way.

I wonder what my boobs will look like when I'm done breastfeeding. Oh god. I'm not going to think about that.

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