Monday, September 3, 2012

Georgia is Better; Hiding

* Georgia's leg is better. Don't know what that was all about. Glad it's over with, though.

* Henry, Elise, and Georgia all love to hide under blankets. They often pull their blankets off their beds and either run around the bedrooms with blankets over their heads or they'll all huddle on the floor underneath one blanket. What's funny about it, though, is that they always refer to the activity as "going hiding," like it's some big adventure. Here's a super common conversation in our house:

Henry: "Elise! Wanna go hiding?"
Elise: "Yes! Georgia! Let's go hiding!"
Georgia: "I'm going hiding! Mommy! I'm going hiding now."
Elise: "Mommy! We'll be right back. We going hiding."
Me: "Okay. Have fun hiding."

And then they throw a blanket over their heads.

I built them a blanket tent with a sheet and two chairs from the dining room the other day. It was literally too much excitement for them to handle. I had to take it down before someone got crushed by a knocked-over chair.

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