Saturday, September 8, 2012

I Hate Sleep Training

I usually put Clark to sleep at night by bouncing him in his reclining bouncy chair. This works really well, but it's probably a bad habit because eventually he's going to outgrow that chair. I decided last night that he needs to start getting used to laying down in his pack&play when it's time to go to bed.

The start of any new sleep training move is always the worst. The baby resists and resists and resists. Many tears are shed. Baby tears AND mommy tears. At least, that's how it works in my house.

We started putting Clark to bed last night around 8:00 and he didn't finally lay down to sleep until almost 11:00. Husband and I were taking 10 minute shifts, back and forth, for what felt like an eternity. It was awful. And Clark was stubborn! He was literally sleeping sitting up. He refused to lie down. Clark would sit there with his eyes closed, wobbling from side to side, his head rolling around on his chest. He fought it until the bitter end.

And tonight wasn't much better. A little bit. But not much.

Good thing I'm just as stubborn as he is. You want to sleep sitting up? Be my guest, silly baby. Be my guest.


  1. Deja vu! This is exactly what Andy was like when we tried to get him to sleep in his own bed. From 7pm to 11pm every night he would wake up about every 15 to 20 minutes. It lasted from about 10 months to 13 months. We would rub his back to get him to fall asleep and that helped some. Then we moved and he got his own room and he started sleeping from 7pm to 5am. Good luck!

  2. Clark is weird about being touched when he's upset. Sometimes he'll let me rub his head, but he hates it when I rub his back or his chest. He swats and pushes my hands away. He'll just have to get used to sleeping in his pack&play. I know it will be worth it in the long run.

  3. OOH. Andy had a "don't touch me when I'm mad phase also." I forget whether it was around the same time. But for some reason, it was always ok to rub his back. He still asks for his daddy to rub his back to help him relax sometimes (not necessarily at bedtime).
