Saturday, September 22, 2012

Why? Why? Why?

The infinite why loop has begun with Elise. Why? Why? Why? I try to give her real answers. No cop-out answers like "because I said so" or "God made it that way." Science. I answer with science. Albeit, at an age appropriate level.

We had this conversation the other day:

Elise: Look, Mommy! A blimp!

Me: Wow! Look at that! You don't see one of those every day!

E: It goes into outer space!

M: I believe you're thinking of a rocket ship. It kind of looks like a rocket ship. That's good thinking. But it's a blimp and blimps stay closer to the earth.

E: Why?

M: They aren't made to go into outer space like rocket ships.

E: Why?

M: Well, if you want to go into outer space you take a rocket ship. If you want to float around advertising tires or insurance or whatever, you take a blimp.

E: Where's outer space?

M: Past the clouds. Out where the stars are.

E: Why it called outer space?

M: Well, there's a bubble of air around the earth. If you're outside that bubble, you're in outer space. It's just a way to say where something is. Like, I'm inside the house or I'm outside in the yard.

E: Why a rocket go to outer space?...

And on and on and on. It's exhausting really. It honestly makes me tired sometimes. And random people who we've never met before find it very amusing. Elise often goes on one of these kicks in a packed but silent waiting room, where she has unwittingly put herself and all of my stupid answers on display for upwards of 10 complete strangers.

Check this out, and start on minute 7:

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